
Jerrye Woods, President of St. Louis South County AGLOW says, 
"I unhesitatingly recommend her.  Her practical approach to 
scripture coupled with humor and anointing touched everyone. 
She is truly a gift to the Body of Christ.  We hope she'll 
come back to St. Louis again."

Micle of MicleRae Ministries says, "Jenna Lang is a thought-
provoking, gifted, and insightful speaker, who has the ability 
to pull truths from scripture in a way that brings the Word to 
life. I recall one of her messages on women of the Bible, given 
at Aglow in St Louis, MO.  The revelation she shared opened an 
entirely new perspective on what it must have been like to serve 
God then, and how we can better serve Him now. 
I also had the opportunity to minister with Jenna at a women's 
conference she organized, called REAL-ize, geared toward helping 
women differentiate between a good plan, versus a God plan.  
The sessions built on one another, culminating with the call
for women to surrender what may be "good," but not God's best.  
It was a powerful time of ministry."
 For the most up-to-date information, please visit the new home: www.aCreativeWord.com

Jerry Ramos, Founder of Tools 24/7, says, "quote pending approval." 
Lori Staples, Co-Founder of PEARLS Ministry says, "quote and link pending approval."

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