Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Self Image and Princess Perspective

Self image and princesses? Did you just roll your eyes? Listen, "Princess Perspective" has nothing to do with girly-ness. But I know from personal experience that we can sometimes have really skewed self images. So I titled this “Princess Perspective” to remind you of who you really are.
Because here’s the deal: No matter what has been done to you or by you, you are who you are NOT because of you, but because of your Father.
Let me explain… a King is a King, until and unless someone can dethrone and replace Him. Therefore, His daughter is a princess because she is the child of the King; and no matter what happens, she remains a princess until someone can dethrone and replace her Father.
So the question is, who or what can dethrone and replace your Father in Heaven? Is anything powerful enough? If your answer is No (ding ding ding!!!!) then you remain a princess, no matter what is done to you or by you. The end. (I soooo love happy endings! And this, dear friend, is the happiest!)
One of my favorite ways to get a Princess Perspective is to “personalize” scriptures. You know how God says He is no “respector of persons,” (Acts 10:34) what He’ll do for one He’ll do for another? Well, when I started “personalizing” scriptures, my perspective on who I am as His daughter totally changed!
I actually go so far as to write these personalized scriptures on note cards or sticky notes, and say them outloud to myself everyday. Sounds goofy, but what have I got to lose?
Here’s an example of one:
I will trust my Father God at all times.
It’s safe for me to pour out my heart to Him,
because He protects me!
This Princess Perspective actually comes from Ps 62:8, which says: Trust in him at all times; ye people, pour out your heart before him: God is a refuge for us. Selah. KJV
Try it, the next time you need a reality check—that is, the next time you need a Princess Perspective!
For more on self image, click here.

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pittipat said...

Amen Sista!!! Love the message!!!

Love, Princess P ; )

Anonymous said...

Eloquent as ever!

ch :) said...

LOVE it! so excited you are doing this - great word :)